Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What a day.

The amount of profanities I shouted at my dryer this morning was a high even for me. I washed the same load of laundry 4 freaking times in 4 freaking days. I forgot to dry it 4 freaking times!!!! What is wrong with me??? How can I be THAT scattered!?!? Sometimes I scare myself!

Moving on... I made a deal with myself that in order to run today (and consequently not feel guilty for bagging out again) I had to fold laundry. In order to go to the hardware store to by starts for my garden, I had to run. In order to go to the market to grab orange marmalade for my dinner, I had to run and take a shower and in order to go to Keegan's egg drop at school I had to do everything.

Well! I got my laundry done, ALL 6 LOADS! But then once I got going I even started putting it away, amazing for me. Joe thinks its a special occasion if he doesn't have to get dressed in his extra closet aka the laundry room :) If I'm being honest I will admit that part of me would have started any project to get out of running. BUT I have to say I got it all done, the house seemed under control and I went out to my treadmill.

Here I proceeded to RUN MY FIRST FULL MILE EVER!!! This may seem pathetic to some, but I have never really made myself or been able to run an entire mile without stopping. I have hated running for a long time- like forever. I MEAN HATED IT! But I am on a mission to RUN the Run of the Mill in July (3 miles I think?). So I have started trying to not hate running. I'm not striving to Love running yet, but you never know. I figure I Love to eat, so I better learn to Like to exercise. I will let you know how that goes :) Anyways, I did 2 miles total, starting with a 7 minute warm up, my running coach/ neighbor/cousin-in-law/adopted sister-in-law Rachel was just talking in her blog on Runforit.co about the importance of a good warm-up. SO I started by doing some stretches, running up and down my stairs while the kids snacked, then by doing lunges while I vacuumed right before I went out (multi-task much:) then a walk lap on the treadmill, then RAN MY MILE-WOOHOO! After that I quickly walked another lap, ran the next and then cooled down with another lap which progressively got slower. I actually felt good. I wasn't breathing so hard that I thought I was dying and I didn't swear at the treadmill once! I consider this a successful workout.

I even had time for a shower before I headed to school to watch Keegan's egg drop. 

His didn't break yay!! 

That got done early,  so I got to the store before school got out! Which we survived because Cam and Maddie decided NOT to act like wild hyenas in Trader Joe's. Not like last time when I left in tears with a very frightened bagger helping me to my car, probably petrified I was going to lash out at someone. Lucky me...that was not the case today. Thank you Lord! They each got to use their own "little cart" and I held the rest in my arms. We got in and out in 25 minutes. New record for us. So we got a little treat!

I think getting all that done besides hitting the garden store is a pretty good days work. Now I'm making my delicious looking flank steak and roasted corn salad. I will upload the recipe later!

Here's to surviving the day!
Cheers! No like literally Cheers...I just poured a glass of champagne! :) Or like my Nana said!
Chin Chin

p.s. As I type this- directly behind me- Cam and Delaney are fighting, screaming and chasing each other in circles around my kitchen. WOW :) Again so glad this is NOT a video blog 

1 comment:

  1. Ash: You make me smile. You make me laugh. Keep blogging. :) Love ya! ~Molls
