Thursday, January 17, 2013

Quinoa Salad

For my version you will need:
-Quinoa (I think I used 1 cup dry- made according to package directions)
-Green Onions
-Grape Tomatoes
-Feta Cheese
-Black Beans
-Chopped Power Greens (mix of spinach, arugula and mizuna or any of these separately)

-1/4 c Apple Cider Vinegar
-1/4 c Olive Oil
-Juice from 1/2 a Lemon
-Dash of Chili powder (the original recipe calls for Cayenne-I'm not a big fan:)
-Dash of Cumin (I LOVE CUMIN!)
-Salt & Pepper too taste

I just started adding ingredients until it tasted good to me. As with all my recipes... remember this is more a guide. You should add/delete the things you don't like. To me the dressing: oil/vinegar/lemon/cumin is the most important piece. I even did this salad once with black beans, cilantro, green onions, chopped almonds, Cotija cheese, tomatoes and avocado. A little more Mexicany (I know, not a word) but really yummy.

If you haven't tried Quinoa yet, do! If you have and didn't like it, try again. It took me trying it like 5 times and it was this salad that finally did it for me. Now I am obsessed. Tonight I made a Broccoli Cheddar Chicken Quinoa Casserole for dinner and num num! It was delish! I hope you'll give this salad a try ;) and look for more idea soon.

I know it's been a while my friends :)
It's a New Year and I have been trying to write out a post since January 3rd. After writing and typing and drafting and editing and not finishing yet...I deleted it and decided I was going to do exactly what I've always strived to do...speak from the heart, don't over analyze and give people some yummy ideas :)

So with that said Happy New Year and I hope this finds you well!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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