Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Yummy Mummy Kitchen Cookbook

My mom gave me this cookbook right before our last vacation and some might say its pretty odd to sit on the beach and read a cookbook like its a novel, but to me it's totally normal :)

The Yummy Mummy Kitchen by Marina Delio is a must have for any woman: Whether Mummy or just Yummy :)
Being on vacation, I was without 90% of my belongings and doing great. Feeling the freedom not being surrounded by the every day clutter and junk. Realizing how little we really needed to get through our day-to-day was extremely freeing and exciting. I was not under the delusion that I would sell our home in exchange for a 2 bedroom rambler (like we started out in) I get that we need more space for our larger family. AND I get that we need things at home that are unnecessary on the beaches of Maui...But that doesn't mean that we can't simplify, clarify and make our home space/life more peaceful.

How did a cookbook help take me to this realization? Good question. But in her book Marina Delio talks about making simple food and using things that are local and in season to make shopping easier, less expensive and more fun. She encourages kid involvement and making meal times key parts of your day. Many things that I have already touted as important parts of my life including some encouraging words to the Mummy's of the world letting them know they aren't alone and she gives sweet tips and anecdotes about her childhood and the things her mother and Grandmother "Tai Tai" (the original Yummy Mummy" have taught her.

Her style is beautiful. The pictures in the book gorgeous! The recipes I have tried so far, easy and delicious!!

Lentil Soup! Yum!

Refrigerator Salad Bar: Brilliant!

Cheesy Stuffed Zucchini-For us Parents a Win- The kids not so much! We are going to keep trying it though.

Tzatziki Sauce for Grilled Mahi Mahi Gyros which I didn't get a picture of because we ate them too fast :)

We have also LOVED (but not photographed) the Lean and Juicy Turkey Burgers, 15 minute Mascarpone Fettuccine with Broiled Salmon. They all are SO good!! Oh and the Peach White Sangria was pretty awesome as well :)

I hope some of you will grab this book! It is available on Amazon and I am sure other places. I am not even close to being done with it yet. Sooo many recipes to check out and enJOY!

PS...thanks mom xoxo

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