Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Rant then a Rave!

After my rant last night. I thought it only appropriate to RAVE this morning. After going to bed at 2 am (I was finishing up the cleaning and folding laundry) I was awoken at 9am by Delaney just like she has woken me up since she was 3 years old. Rubbing my face and singing to me :) She laid talking to me and said "Mom I already made my bed...and I put my clean clothes away." I was in heaven. Snuggled up to my little girl and she is saying all the right things :) She wanted to play a guessing game so we spent a good 20 minutes, just the two of us, tracing letters on eachother's backs and trying to guess what animal we were thinking of that starts with that letter. It was a simple game and a quiet morning, but it was special in that all to often we are jumping out of bed, trying to "accomplish" so many things. I knew the basement was still a disaster, and that I had a 2 mile run to get in, but I let myself enjoy the moment.

I involved the kids this morning in the conversation. "We have X Y Z to get done today. I want to run and I want to take you guys swimming so how do we do it. They were excited to be consulted, I think and so they debated for a minute which order would be best. They decided.

1. Clean up their rooms/Make beds (Delaney had a head start:)
2. Put their clothes away
3.Eat a quick snack instead of a big breakfast
4. Clean up the basement.
5. Have a good lunch before we go swimming

I am SUPER impressed by their rationale. I hope we can quickly get all these chores done so we can have FUN! I'm upstairs right now, and below me in the basement I hear music blasting and little voices singing along. I can only picture what they are doing. I don't want to go down and ruin their groove :0)

So here's to a day full of Raves!

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