Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Art Project Success!

SO I got this idea one of my favorite blogs That Artist Woman. Gail, she is amazing! Has great ideas, great how-to's and great photos to help you along. Here below is the link.

So I will just include what I did a little different. 

I used a boat load of leftover ruined (warped and discolored) 4x6 photo paper I have been sitting wondering what I should do with it. So I re-purposed it. 

She said to use craft paper, I used paper grocery bags
A couple paint brushes, not huge but the bigger the better.
I had the school kids start with a pencil but for ours at home I went straight to a...
 dark colored Sharpie ( I used dark blue, purple and black depending on what I could find at the moment)
Oil Pastels in a variety of colors
Watered down Purple tempera paint. She used black but I liked the pop of color the purple gave
I used a black grease pencil to make the face. It would also work well to re-outline the picture after they color it if they need to. 
Puffy paint in Gold, silver and an iridescent one or glitter glue works great in gold and silver
Modge Podge a crafters best friend- Oh the fun things I can do with this stuff!
Ribbon for hanging it. I used a gold that I had.

I took the handles off a paper grocery bag and then cut up the seam. Laying it out flat.

 I traced a piece of 4x6 photo paper. That Artist Woman (Gail:) uses a full sheet of paper. I wanted to turn ours into an ornament.

 Because I was making so many I made a lot of pieces. Do NOT cut around the rectangle exactly I cut at least an inch from the drawn rectangle.
 I shrunk the templates to 65% and printed them out on my bad photo paper. I cut out each piece for the kids to be able to have their own template pieces. All 22 of them! UGH :) There were 7 or 8 pieces total. For Cam's and my kids at home because we were doing so many. I traced the templates onto the bag paper for them.

Now here is where I have a gap in pictures. 
-I had the kids carefully crumple (an oxymoron I know) to give it a weathered look. 
-I told them not to color it completely solid. You wanted to see some of the bag through the color so kind of scribble. That way when you wash over it with the watered down paint, it adheres to the bag, it won't to the oil pastels.
-We did color the faces solid though. We didn't want the faces to get blotchy purple
-I let the kids do whatever colors they wanted but encouraged them to do the halos in bright/light colors. Cam didn't listen but look how cool it still turned out. I always tell the kids there are no wrong answers in art. That should be their free time. 
-After they were done coloring I had them paint the watered down tempera on. Most of them avoided the faces all together. They drew on the faces with the grease pencil.
-After the paint dried I put or let the kids put the glitter glue or puffy paint on. Below I didn't smear the lines and dots, but I did today and I liked it better. 
-When that dries, put on a nice coat of Modge Podge NOTE: It goes on white but dries clear.
-After it is all dry I took my damaged photo paper about 3 at a time and centered on each piece upside down and then just wrapped it around the photo paper, taping it to stay. 
- After you put your ribbon on (again taped) I printed on my good photo paper a picture of each kid to put on their creation. I added Merry Christmas and the year. And glued it over the back. That way it was nice and finished looking!

I really do love this project. It does take some steps to get it done. But it isn't really hard to do. I love the smaller size and I am thinking how neat would it be hanging on a wine bottle (thanks for the idea Amy:) for a Christmas gift. Or what if we did it a neat heart with lots of colors for Valentine's Day, or even beautiful flowers for Spring, I have a neat pear picture that is really simple but could look really cool too! I am inspired! How Fun! If you want to do this and need more details let me know! I hope the pictures do it justice!


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