Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So much poop!

I may have mentioned before the amount of poop that seems damned and determined to fill my days. Baby poop, kid poop, dog poop. For a while there was even cat poop and fish poop. I should be potty training Maddie right now, but I just can't bring myself to do it. While driving to the store at 8:30pm tonight (because I was out of diapers) I contemplated the freedom of her being potty trained. And then the scare reel began to play. Public bathrooms, rushing to the potty a second too late, all the wash, wiping up the floor...Oh wait! I am doing that right now! I have a PUPPY! Potty training Cam seriously has caused me to suffer from Potty Training Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Poop on the toilet, Poop on the floor...poop on the walls :( I have literally been potty training or changing diapers for almost 10 straight years! All my kids have overlapped! That is a lot of POOP!

The saddest part is poop hasn't even bothered me for a while. As most moms would probably tell you it happens rather quickly and you don't necessarily notice it, but one day you get poop on your hand and you just wipe it off and keep going. No screaming or "Oh my God's!" You just roll on. When Keegan was brand new, my friend Mollie stopped by to see him. I was 22, a brand new mom by maybe a week, exhausted, leaking through my nursing bra, and changing my baby boy. At one point Keegan started to pee, it shot straight up in the air. Without even a thought I cupped my bare hand over it, grabbed a burp towel and wipe and cleaned him off. I'll never forget how Mollie's eyes widened, like "Eeewww!" I didn't skip a beat. It's been like that pretty much since. What has happened to me?!?

Yesterday I watched my best friends little guy and he and Maddie like to do everything at the same time. Play with the same toy, run down the hall, eat the same snack and fill their diapers. Like seriously at the SAME TIME! Usually right as we are trying to walk out the door. Maddie is sort of hit and miss when it comes to the potty and until I feel like she is really ready I am not ready to deal with it. She HAS to be potty trained by September for pre-school so that gives me 7 months. Besides that I am in no rush. I just can't even imagine what a fully potty-trained home would feel like?!?! SO weird. SO wonderful.

Last night I was up in our laundry room. Delaney had "helped" me get Maddie ready for bed and for some reason put her in "big girl undies" and what do you know "UH OH MADDIE FORGET POTTY!" (she speaks in 3rd person:) So after I mopped up her pee, I went to take the wet clothes upstairs. Standing folding the clean clothes, I see Harley come up the stairs and walk down the hall. Assuming what he was up to I followed closely. Catching him as he hunched over to...well you know...POOP! I screamed and grabbed him just in time! Rushing him down the hall...I hear a drop and feel a squish beneath my sock a moment later. Oh $#@%!

Now poop is starting to bother me again. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know Maddie and Harley will someday soon be able and willing to do their "doody" where and when they should. And maybe Cam will get good at wiping his own butt someday soon. Here's hoping... But for now I hold the mop and the bucket and the carpet cleaner AND the disinfectant spray. Just not the key to their success. I'll keep looking :)

Wish me luck!

NOTE: I apologize for all the poop talk. Especially if you don't have kids or pets this probably seems like a gross topic. But the reality for me is a scary one. Never IN MY WILDEST DREAMS did I think I would talk about poop and pee SO MUCH! I never imagined that this would be a main topic of conversation in my adulthood...Oh but it is! I know, I know, TOO MUCH INFO! Sorry :)

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