Thursday, October 6, 2011

Last one in's a....

So I started the day nice and early. Cam had his eye appointment this morning. Cam Man is going to be rocking some pretty sweet specs in the next week or so.

He does have a weakened muscle and through a small prescription and vision therapy he will be feeling a lot better sight wise, in the future. I am again hopeful. I am FULLY aware that this is not a quick fix. I am fully ready to work with him on this as well. I just feel so relieved that they saw something. I didn't want him to have something bad, wrong. But as scary as there being something wrong was the thought of NOTHING being wrong. Thankfully it is not major. It is not something he'll need surgery to fix, but it is enough of something that his doc said she fully could understand his frustration. At times he was blurry, at others seeing double, so poor guy, that's what he's been dealing with. 

Here are the glasses he chose. He is only mad that they won't be here right away :)


Everything was great this morning except I knew that in my rush to get to the appointment and with our oversleeping. I had left in a mad dash and left a disaster in our wake. Beds unmade being my biggest source of anxiety. I knew I had much to do when I returned home. Laundry, pick up, dinner prep and of course beds. But I had NO IDEA what was really waiting for me. 

Last night we noticed a smell coming from the fridge. I threw what I thought was the cause away and went to bed. This morning it was still there but not HORRIBLE. I arrived home to smell it even though my fridge was closed and I began to worry. 

You know that saying..."It smells like a rotten egg" IT"S TRUE! While pulling everything out of the fridge and off it's shelves. While investigating I came across the culprit. Literally A ROTTEN EGG! 
It had EXPLODED! Not kidding. It looked like a egg broken in a spot, filled with what could only be compared to diarrhea in look and smell. I pulled out the shelf. It was the one with the rounded door that pulls down to hold dairy. I vaguely remember placing an egg there on that top space, maybe a couple months ago, but hadn't seen or thought of it since. It must have rolled back beyond sight. When I pulled it out it splashed out onto my pants. The smell was so putrid that I had to immediately go change my clothes. HORRID! 

After 4 hours of dismantling our fridge and pulling out every shelf and drawer. I scrubbed it all down and began to put stuff back. I had to throw a box of food away that couldn't shake the smell. I may be redoing it tomorrow. This time scrubbing with a baking soda concoction that I found out about when I Googled how to remove the smell.

OH MY MESS! I was seriously having a panic attack. How was I ever going to get through this disaster! 
 Plus I had just gotten my fruit and veggie delivery from Klesick Family Farms and milk and dairy delivered from Smith Brothers Farms. Not to mention gone to Costco! How was I supposed to save everything!
 I was in such a mad dash I just threw everything on the counter and pulled out all the shelves of my fridge.
 No rhyme or reason, just get it out and START CLEANING!
Starting to look like a new fridge, but not smell like one.
 Rinse, Lather, Repeat...
I will say, the silver lining. I love a nice clean fridge. I love putting things away in an organized way. Itemizing and doing inventory on what we have. Making room, by throwing out the old and bringing in the new.
 Look how pretty!

 Seriously I had to throw out almost ALL my fruit. Thankfully I hadn't put my new order away or I would have been out ALL this!
  What a nice full fruit drawer!
  I think I have a cheese hoarding problem :/
Sooooo...As if this were not enough. I was not only watching my own children but had my friends son also. I was babysitter of the year as I let them watch movies and run circles around my house to stay busy. I looked out from my steel stink trap and was shocked to see a tornado had hit the inside of my house and I hadn't noticed. I paused my project and started to pick up...every toy we own! Oh and a side note: Keegan and Delaney just started Orchestra aka violin lessons TODAY. You can imagine how amazing their "practice" was sounding amongst ALL THIS! (Note to self: ask for noise canceling head phones for my birthday :) I am excited for them, but I was in no mood. I HAD to get my kitchen cleaned enough to make dinner. It took seriously almost 4 hours but I got there. I will post my dinner tomorrow. Tri-Tip. YUM! 

Oh I almost forgot...Then I got first a whiff and then a glimpse of something unpleasant AGAIN!
That's NOT chocolate on Dora's dress. I felt I needed a photo to express what was really happening and just be glad that this is the photo I took. The applier of this loveliness, was much grosser to behold. Shower time for she and her buddy! Perfect! Everyone was showered, clean, poop free and ready for dinner. Well almost. As I was trying to get their dinner dished up. Someone, was having a tough time staying awake, and then crash...she was out....
...Right where she lay :)

As dinner was getting eaten I had a load of wash going. I excitedly ran upstairs after dinner it is now 8:30pm and I mean not long after dinner, like 5 minutes. We ate SO early :/ My laundry was ready to dry which meant only one load left on the day. As I pulled out my "clean" load to put it in the drier...It immediately became clear, something was amiss...AGAIN! 
Oh SUPER! Somehow a rogue diaper had found its way into my load of darks! Everything was covered in that diaper insides stuff! Which is...think about it...Not afraid of water or moisture! Everything was COV-ERED!!! WHYYYYYY!!!

All that white stuff....Diaper stuff. So in one day I had a diaper explode in my dryer. A rotten egg explode in my fridge. Maddie explode in her diaper. Jeez. I am glad I got home in my van in one piece! Tomorrow I am sure will be a new better day. I am sure that I will run out my bad JUJU and replace it with ALL GOOD!
One thing's for sure though. Next time someone says "Last one in's a rotten egg..." I am going to take WAY more offense to that :)


wendy said...

Tomorrow's a new day!!!!

I can vaguely relate. Came home from taking Dylan to school to.... kitchen garbage can and contents all over my kitchen floor. DAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWG! Remnants of food bags strewn through the dining room. AND, what was left of a diaper, exploded under the dining table. The thought of it wants to make me barf every time (and yes, somehow it's been a recurring thing with our dawg).

Your fridge sure looks purdy though! Nice work! gives the mom in you a strange warm fuzzy, doesn't it?!

Ashley said...

It's moments like those, where you just want to close your eyes, grab your keys, and slowly back away and out the door. Gone indefinitely until it all magically disappears. RIGHT!?! I hate those kinds of messes. I don't love any messes, but these I especially despise!

But yes your right, my clean fridge does give me a warm fuzzy. Now if I could just keep it this way!

I'm no fool :)