Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving in Pictures

Thanksgiving is about being with the one's you love. It is about looking at your life and remembering how blessed you are. It is also about enjoying beautiful food and drink and company. This was our Thanksgiving table it was full of a bounty of delicious things to eat, good conversation and a warmth and character that is hard to explain. My home felt as if it was bursting at the seams. It wasn't the amount of people though, it was the amount of blessing that was filling up every space. I am so blessed and I am SO thankful. 

Thank you for reading me all these months, thanks for listening and keeping my family in your thoughts. Thanks for coming along on this journey which is my crazy wonderful life. And thank you for in doing so you are helping me to remember that the Wonderful far outweighs the crazy...Most Days :)

Here is a photo play by play of how our Thanksgiving went. I hope that yours was as crazy and wonderful as mine! A happy kick off to this holiday season. 

The Night Before "Thanksgiving Eve" :)

I got my deliveries and then I organized all my store ingredients by recipe.

 Our fish Spike kept a watchful eye :)
 It was getting late and we were getting tired and a little loopy :)
My sister Mallie was definitely my Thanksgiving MVP. She helped with anything and everything I needed. I couldn't have done it without her or my Mama either. But Mallie even did dishes with me after 2 days of cooking and that scored her extra points! Love you Mal!
We had too much fun.

The boys were VERY helpful :)
Our table from above. Thanksgiving Night!
 Working together is always fun
 The carving team
 Our smoked turkey
Home made pumpkin pie. We left our first, purchased one on the deck the night before and our cat broke into it, so we had to make some home made ones. Well Mallie made some
 These candles are the kind found in restaurants. I got them for so cheap at Cash and Carry for a Margarita Party a while ago and the colors were perfect for my table.
We put out the cards for the game WOULD YOU RATHER all down the table! We all took turns reading different ones during dinner. It was fun and interesting to hear the answers. It got everyone talking during dinner. There was a lot of laughing involved as well :)
 Yikes this is what a BYOB bar for 30 people looks like :)
 The not so fun part
 Kicking everyone out of the kitchen to put out the feast
 Corn Souffle
 Green Bean Casserole
 Stuffing with sausage
Mom's stuffing
 3 twenty two pound turkeys
 Ambrosia Salad one with walnuts, one without
 Brussel Sprouts with caramelized onions and bacon
 Buttered Carrots
 Homemade Turkey Gravy
 Steamed Romanesco
 Aunt Linnie's Turkey
 Mom's Turkey
 Joe's Smoked Turkey
 Smashed Potatoes with skin on
 Mashed Russet Potatoes
 A Full House! And a Full Buffet!
 I am thankful for my littlest sister
 Dad is thankful for sweet Maddie :)
 Now this is why I have been running. And why I ran Thanksgiving morning. Too much good stuff
 We sure know how to share the love!

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