Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Vacation

Late nights, late mornings, makeshift meals, playing outside, putting off to tomorrow what should be done today :) That to me is Summer vacation. As a mom I sat back in June with grandiose ideas of keeping to a strict routine and staying on top of laundry but just relaxing and being on top of my business :)

It's SUMMER VACATION! The one time of the year where (here in Washington) the sun is possibly shining in a hopefully consecutive daily pattern. You learn to take advantage. At the end of my days am I going to look back and remember that time I got all the laundry put away, or the time I didn't think twice threw the kids in the car and went hiking or blueberry picking or swimming because Damn it! the sun was out! So I have neglected certain things, mainly housework and this blog because frankly, if my kids are out playing I have a couple options. Sit inside at my computer OR get outside and play with them. I have chosen the latter.

It dawned on me a month or so ago that Keegan is going to be a 5th grader...A FIFTH GRADER!!!! Maddie is going into preschool 2 days a week and Delaney and Cam are 3rd and 1st graders. I am going to have 2 days a week for like 3 hours each that I don't have ANYONE home?!!? All my babies will all be at school. This concept seems foreign to me and granted it is only 2 days a week-FOR NOW! This is what is crazy...Keegan was 2 days a week like...5 MINUTES AGO and now he is in 5th grade! Delaney was going 2 days a week, 2 minutes ago and we had our first real mother daughter power struggle over what she was going to wear that year. We are still doing this all these years later but it is so totally fresh in my mind. It goes to fast!
It is Summer and I remember Summer feeling like it lasted forever, really, what a year feels like now. But I just didn't want to spend my whole break with them feeling bad about things I should have been doing and instead wanted to focus on what I could be doing. We have already started the countdown. 4 weeks until school starts. There is so much to do. Supplies and uniforms to buy, bedtimes to get under control, meals to plan, schedules to streamline and I'm not ready for all that. I could use a break from my little darlings (don't get me wrong;) but I'm not ready for the real break of the school year, yet.
So I hope you'll forgive my lack of posts and understand that I was just having a juvenile attitude myself and I just "didn't wanna do it!" There were too many memories to be made.

I'll be back and on a schedule- a routine in place, but don't bet on it for another 4 weeks :)
Happy Summer! I hope you are enjoying and making the most of yours as well!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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