Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Technical Difficlutlies

Long story short I have written this post 5 times and it has disappeared. My Apple devices which I love and can not live without have been abused by my children and I despite my best efforts have not been able to protect them.

My iPad which was stolen out of my secret hiding place (by Maddie) and then left on the floor of the garage and then subsequently run over by a bike. Has seen better days but has been working fine despite how it looks, until this week. For some reason my Blogger app has started acting possessed, like only working when the iPad is vertical? So I have been trying to type on a tiny keyboard. Then it keeps pulling out of the app and going back to my home screen without warning or saving :( I don't want to type this again!!!!

Also for some reason my iPhoto on my computer won't enable Photo Stream which is this awesome feature that is connected to the iCloud and every time I take pictures on my iPhone or iPad or upload them on my computer they are supposed to be able to be accessed from any/all of my devices. So I have all these pictures I am trying to put into my blog post from my phone but they are only on my iPhone and iPad and I already told you what is up with my iPad but now you can check out my poor phone...

Maddie strikes again. I have really bad luck. This time she pulled it off my charger and left it where it was then thrown to the ground and landed perfectly face down on my concrete driveway. Again, amazingly STILL WORKS! But since I will not be paying $500 for a new phone (since my contract is not up for another year) I will make it work. Joe is humiliated by me pulling it out. I think it is devastating and hilarious all at the same time :(  :) But whereas it works- phone wise, email wise (I can get them and kind of read them) same with texts and internet, but I can't really see WELL when I am typing, so blogging from my phone is out.

Since this week I have been so CRAZY with school, soccer, birthday's (Joe's and Mine) and a lot of fun, I have been relegated to mobile posting and since that was not happening (see above) I have been unable to post at all! But I am back! And I am ready for some more relaxing, toned down fun. So here we go.

1 comment:

Christa :) said...

Poor Phone! Be careful though as the shards of glass are no fun in the fingers! It is like a constant sliver you can not see!