Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I have no words...

No words indeed. The job I did yesterday took them all away. But I will try to describe the scene as best I can without you thinking I am a terrible mother/housekeeper.

Yesterday I spent the day "cleaning" Delaney's room. I quote cleaning, because it was more like a clean out then a clean up! Holy Smokes! It was one of the most eye-opening experiences I have had in a while. I am not sure what the heck she was thinking but sometime in the last few months she filled every inch of hiding space in her room with crap. Like every ripped, cut piece of paper. Every broken crayon or piece of junk was shoved somewhere. The reason it got so bad. I don't know. The reason she got away with it? It was all in places that were not visible to the naked eye. To a normal person, her room looked picked up for the most part.

Then she had some friends over and the evidence trail started. First I just saw a few little white things here and there and then a few more, then there was a pile in the corner and then her carpet seemed to be covered and then her bathroom had them all over and the trail inevitably led under her sink. Under her sink where I found this.

What the heck is this do you ask? This is a jewelry box full of water, a doll and...the Styrofoam beads. This below is just a glimpse of what I was dealing with. They had made there way into every nook and cranny of her room. Even under her covers! They had also filled her jewelry box even the tiny drawer with the cursed beads. UN-Freaking believable! Every time I tried vacuuming. The Styrofoam moved away almost like a magnet pushes against another magnet.
Every drawer, basket, bin, any hidden spot uncovered, revealed another load of junk! I DON'T GET IT!  I cleaned every bit of it. I threw away BAGS (PLURAL) of garbage. The best (read worst:) part was when I dragged the garbage down the stairs. There was a hole in the bag and I dragged a trail of Styrofoam all the way to the garage. In my assault on her closet, I even found an entire load of dirty laundry shoved into various spots around her closet. My favorite though was 2 Barbies hidden behind her doll house. One with a "fantastic" inverted bob haircut. BOTH sporting a fresh set of nail polish highlights. Awesome. One wearing a Delaney Original dress. This was actually cool, it was a dress she crafted out of ribbon and yarn. I need to take a picture. I will but for now let's just say this. Between these dolls, the loads of "artwork" I uncovered and the amount of used up art supplies I tossed...

That way when the reporters and biographers ask me what she was like as a child I can tell them I had no doubt that Delaney was going to grow up to do some amazing designing as a grown-up! She had nothing but creative energy running through her every day since she was born.

That sounds better then what I consider "borderline" destructive energy right now. I don't need to go on and on about this but lets just say I am thinking about signing Delaney up for an upcoming show...Mini Hoarders. I let her know that this was a freebie. Next time this will be done BY HER. WHILE I WATCH to make sure it is all done correctly. She actually was SUPER happy to have her room ALL CLEAN! Good! I hope she loves it so much to at least kind of keep it up. I will surely be checking what I now know to be her little hiding spots. That way it doesn't get here again.

I was a messy kid, I get having fun and making messes. My mom let us take everything in our house out to the garage, whether we were turning it into an office or hair salon or school, she let us do it. She even helped us clean it up. But I don't remember us being like this. Maybe we were or I was? But thank goodness I grew out of it. Now to teach my young ones the glory of O.C.D. I say that light heartedly. I know O.C.D. is a serious deal. Really I do think I suffer from it. That and a little P.M.S. got me motivated yesterday and happy it did. I went to sleep last night knowing that in the last 2 weeks, Spring Cleaning has come to rest in our home. I am feeling pretty great tonight! Closets clean. Basement clean. And not too much left! YAY! Maybe I should be thanking Laney for the motivation. I did kind of need a kick in the pants. I LOVE a tidy home. And now I almost have one :0)

So I guess thanks Laney. Thanks for the nudge. But remember this little one. You better mention me someday when you are famous! That will affirm that this was all worth it :)


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