Friday, April 27, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week

One of the most rewarding jobs I hold other then that of MOM is being the chair for our Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee. As a former preschool teacher as well as friend to many an educator there are a few things I have learned. The first and most important is that words of thanks whether in person and/or in written form are really the most special and gracious of gifts. The second, that next to kind words there is another gift teachers love...Food :)

When I took over the committee a few years ago I looked at what we had been doing and quickly decided that If I was going to do this right I had to use my strong suits. I can do food. I am good at food. It started as a Back to school lunch and grew into a Holiday Cookie Exchange without the work for the staff, there are little loaves of pumpkin bread and mini Irish Cream cakes and many other little treats here and there...and then there is Teacher Appreciation Week. This year we are celebrating our amazing staff the week of May 7th-11th.

Highlights of the week include-
-A breakfast
-A lunch
-A Mary Kay hand treatment for those so inclined
-A car wash- We wash their rides :)
-Posters throughout the school where students can write words of thanks to teachers of their past, present and future
-A grab and go goodie bar in the Teachers Lounge all week- Tons of treats to choose from
-We are raising money to donate to Children's Hospital in the Staff's name

-And our crowning glory. On Tuesday night that week. Our whole school coordinates, our room parents go above and beyond rallying their classes and we deliver a dinner meal for each of our teachers to take home and feed their families. NO WORK!

When we were trying to think up new ideas for our staff. All I kept thinking was what would I want...and then another thought came running into my head...What are we going to have for dinner? Light bulb :) And so it started. The staff loves it. They get SO excited. The families get SO excited to provide it and a happy night is had by all. I love this tradition.

No long drawn out post tonight, just a simple request. Thank the teachers in your life. Bottom line, they do a lot for a little. But they are so grateful for the rewards they get. Those that are seen on the faces of our children and in the skills they see grow over years. Each school year they plant a seed, nurture it and then pass it along for the next teacher to tend to for a while. They deserve so much recognition and we should all give it to them. If you have any great Teacher Appreciation ideas pass them my way, I love new ideas. And if you need more ideas for your teacher or school comment and let me know. We need to all work together and SHARE THE LOVE :)



Lisa said...

Thank you for this, Ashley! You are doing a great thing for the teachers at your school, and I just know that it brightens their whole year.
I think people often forget how year-long a teacher's job is, even though we get "all those breaks." We are thinking and caring about those kids constantly!
Thank you :)

Lisa said...

Annnnd...I'm looking at those races over there ----->
An 8:27 mile? Holy moly! You inspire me :)

Ashley said...

Thanks Lisa :) And a 2 hour 1/2 marathon time...You inspire me!